Walmart Canada pampers swaddlers are $17.97 for 30 diapers This breaks down to .59cents a diaper. This doesn't include wipes or diaper genie bags.
Ottawa cloth diaper service 10 week trial is $300 for regular service. This breaks down to $30 a week, or .03 cents a diaper. This includes wipes, boosters, and bags.
Babies go through approx 3,000 diapers per year.
OVER 4 million disposable diapers are put into the dump each and every day. It takes over 500 years for the diapers to break down, due to the plastic outer shell. When the diapers do break down they leach chemicals into the ground. One of these chemicals are dioxin which can cause problems with reproduction, development and immune system. As the diapers decompose they release methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. Living in Ottawa we have definitely seen the increase in climate change with Tornados. Ottawa is now part of Tornado alley, due to the rapid climate change.
Cloth diapers are convenient and comfortable with snaps and velcro. They fit 6pounds to 45 pounds. They are snug, and have adjustable snaps.
Cloth diapers promote early potty training. Children can feel the wetness which helps children realize when they need to use the toilet.