<![CDATA[Ottawa Cloth Diaper Service | Cloth Diaper Service for Gatineau, Kanata, Carleton Place, Nepean and Aylmer - Blog]]>Sat, 28 Sep 2024 08:32:42 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Why Use Cloth Diapers??]]>Thu, 19 Sep 2024 13:51:32 GMThttp://ottawaclothdiaperservice.com/blog/why-use-cloth-diapersCOST:
Walmart Canada pampers swaddlers are $17.97 for 30 diapers This breaks down to .59cents a diaper. This doesn't include wipes or diaper genie bags.
Ottawa cloth diaper service 10 week trial is $300 for regular service.  This breaks down to $30 a week, or .03 cents a diaper.  This includes wipes, boosters, and bags.
Babies go through approx 3,000 diapers per year. 

OVER 4 million disposable diapers are put into the dump each and every day.  It takes over 500 years for the diapers to break down, due to the plastic outer shell.  When the diapers do break down they leach chemicals into the ground. One of these chemicals are dioxin which can cause problems with reproduction, development and immune system. As the diapers decompose they release methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.  Living in Ottawa we have definitely seen the increase in climate change with Tornados.  Ottawa is now part of Tornado alley, due to the rapid climate change. 

Cloth diapers are convenient and comfortable with snaps and velcro.  They fit 6pounds to 45 pounds. They are snug, and have adjustable snaps. 

Cloth diapers promote early potty training.  Children can feel the wetness which helps children realize when they need to use the toilet. 

<![CDATA[Covid19]]>Fri, 15 May 2020 14:15:54 GMThttp://ottawaclothdiaperservice.com/blog/covid19During the pandemic Covid19 we are still operating as normal.  We are an essential service (Diapers).  We have changed our meetings from in house & in person to virtual.  We will bring supplies to you 1 week before your due date.  We leave supplies on your front porch and knock on your door.  We then wait in down the driveway till you sign/date contract/ and provide credit card number.  Once contract is signed we will wait till you are in house again, and retrieve contract from mailbox.  We will then email you instructions and photos of how to use the diapers and covers.

<![CDATA[Wool: Longies, shorties, soakers]]>Tue, 15 Mar 2016 18:10:45 GMThttp://ottawaclothdiaperservice.com/blog/wool-longies-shorties-soakers
Using wool can often intimidate and scare cloth diaper users.  The first thing to remember is it has been around for ages!  My mother has a picture of her & 5 siblings all wearing cloth diapers with wool soakers.  Longies are pictured above - they are worn over a prefold/ or fitted diaper.  I found longies to be the easiest to use, as my daughter would wear them all day long, just like pants.  I would change diaper as needed. Shorties are the same- but shorter...I know easy answer.  Soakers look like granny gitch underwear.  You can wear clothing & sleepers overtop just making sure it isn't compressing the wool and causing leaks. When you first get your wool, you lanolize it. Most of us have lanolin in our house ( often used during breastfeeding to help prevent cracked nipples). You add 2 tablespoons to hot water 1/4 full in your sink, fill rest of sink so that it is lukewarm. ( If water is too hot it will cause wool to felt, ie shrink). Once water in sink is filled, submerge wool and leave it.  2-3 hours later, take wool out and lay between 2 towels and roll out moisture. Lay flat to dry.
Pictured above is a wool soaker.  Changing diapers is the same as always.  When wet, change.  Wool is amazing as it lets the baby's bottom breathe. There is no plastic. Wool is also an excellent option for those who have sensitive skin, or get rashes. If baby has a soiled diaper, simply change diaper, if there is any waste on the wool you can sponge it off and turn wool inside out to keep using it. To wash wool...mix a teaspoon of dishsoap / or baby shampoo in with the lanolin. Wash wool without wringing it out, lay flat to dry. I also used to use scented wool wash, you can get this at many wool stores.  I would wash my wool with ewe need it, and my whole house would smell like monkey farts ( mixture of banana and nuts).
Wool isn’t new, it’s making its way back!

Wool has natural water absorption and water repellant properties. These properties allow the soaker to absorb excess moisture (approximately 1/3 of its weight) from the cloth diaper without letting it wick onto other materials. You’ll be able to feel when your baby is wet just by the feel of the cover. A wool cover will act as an insulator, keeping your baby warm during the cool months, and cool during the warmer months.
Take a chance and go back to a more natural way of cloth diapering,
no synthetic materials, and eco friendly at that!
 You don’t need to worry about your baby feeling cold in a damp diaper. Wool soakers are meant
to be hand washed and air-dried, treated with a lanolin soak prior to first use and periodically with
regular wear. Don’t let the handwashing scare you, you’ll be doing it less often than you’d imagine! When treated with lanolin, soakers can be worn several times before they need washing, and work best when

you have 3-4 that you can rotate between while the others dry.When lanolin and urine interact,they form a natural salt, which, in turn, cancel each other out. The lanolin will slowly dissipate as it comes in contact with the urine,but you won’t smell a thing! Any smell can most likely be attributed to the smell of damp wool. Any solid waste should be gently scrubbed off with a mild bar soap prior to washing or treatment. More than just a cover, your baby will live in these garments!

<![CDATA[VLOG bikini twist]]>Wed, 03 Feb 2016 19:12:19 GMThttp://ottawaclothdiaperservice.com/blog/vlog-bikini-twisthttps://youtu.be/xmJ1J9ylIbA

<![CDATA[Basic trifold]]>Thu, 17 Sep 2015 21:56:49 GMThttp://ottawaclothdiaperservice.com/blog/basic-trifoldPicture
Smallest cover Newborn fits size 4pounds-12 pounds, with a premie prefold. Trifold into the diaper cover ( ie fold in both sides). Premie prefold fits 4-12 pounds.

For the next size up in diapers, it is the infant prefold.  Fits 8 pounds -22 pounds.  Fold down the top of the prefold and fold in the sides.  If you have a boy baby the folded down area is better at the front  ( as boys pee up the front ), if it is a girl baby the folded part is better at the back ( as girls pee in the middle and back).

This is Sweet Pea One size cover ( fits 8-45 pounds). Inside this cover is our baby size prefold ( fits 20 pounds-45+).  The front is folded down just like the picture above, and it is laid into the diaper cover.

The benefits to using the trifold is that it is easy to do, and you can have another diaper cover waiting & a prefold already folded into it.  The downsides to using a trifold is the first 6 weeks the infant have "explosive" poops ( see poop video in our FAQ section).  When infant has an "explosive poop" it will run onto the sides of the diaper cover.  Trifolding works best for infants/babies when the poop stays in one spot a bit better ( ie 12ish pounds). Both the newborn cover & one size cover have snaps on the front to snap down to make the covers fit smaller.  Make sure when placing diaper cover on baby that all diaper ( prefold) is tucked into the diaper cover.  If any white diaper is sticking out, that is when you will get wicking ( leaking onto sleepers).

<![CDATA[In House meetings]]>Thu, 11 Jun 2015 22:20:36 GMThttp://ottawaclothdiaperservice.com/blog/in-house-meetingsPicture
We are one of the only companies that does in house meetings about cloth diapers.  The number one reason we do it, is so that our customers are successful when it comes to cloth diapering.  We meet with new "parents to be" 2 weeks before their due date.  Showing them how to do different folds,, how to use a snappi, what a booster is used for, and of course answering questions.

During our meeting ( they are short and sweet usually less then 30 min), numerous topics come up. Pain relief for labour, babywearing ( carriers/ slings/ wraps), places in Ottawa to seek help with breastfeeding, as well as meeting customers while in labour. Over the last year I have gone to 4 meetings where mom was in labour,another meeting had to get rescheduled as she was in pushing stage, and another I was feeding ice chips, and catching vomit. 


On another meeting we might be helping a new mom with breastfeeding.  Every meeting is different & unique.  We also have youtube videos on our website & blog to assist, offer to Skype with customers if they can't meet, and answers all questions via email too. We meet during daytime hours when we are already out on the road delivering diapers.  It is not necessary that both parents be at the meeting, the information can be shared with the other one at a later date. If there is no time to meet before baby arrives, we meet with baby. We place baby on change pad/ or towels and do through all the diapers ( usually getting pooped on a couple of times during this process!).  The owner of Ottawa Cloth Diaper Service has both Postpartum & birth Doula through CAPPA.

<![CDATA[Common Cloth Diaper Questions]]>Fri, 27 Feb 2015 18:42:17 GMThttp://ottawaclothdiaperservice.com/blog/common-cloth-diaper-questionsPicture
How do I use the boosters?

Boosters add extra absorbency to your diaper. Some of our boosters are a mixture of hemp/bamboo, therefore it is important to layer them inside the cotton prefold.  Hemp material is slower to absorb, if you are laying it against baby's skin the urine might not absorb. If you layer hemp in-between cotton, the cotton absorbs, then the moisture  sinks into the hemp material. Boosters are good to use for overnights/ long car rides/ or longer naps. Your can tri-fold the prefold over the booster, then lay it into the diaper cover.

What do I do when my baby is too big for the snappi?

If baby is getting too big, and the snappi is getting tight- you can use the same tri-fold as the above photo.  You tri-fold the prefold, and lay it into the diaper cover.

When should I move to the toddler size prefolds?

Toddler size prefolds fit from 20 pounds +. You can fold down the top of them, then trifold into the diaper cover.  If you child is currently 6months and up... and is going through 65+ diapers a week, then you should look at moving up in size.  Going to the toddler size will also increase absorbency as there is more material, then in the infant prefold.

How many diapers should I expect to go through?

Newborn 10-14 diapers a day

 2-6 months 8-10 per day

 6months-12 months 6-8 per day

 1 year plus 4-6 per day

<![CDATA[Pinterest fail...]]>Tue, 14 Oct 2014 11:23:00 GMThttp://ottawaclothdiaperservice.com/blog/pinterest-failPicture
It seemed easy enough.

Bathtime with shaving cream and food colouring.  Perfect for a rainy day, or so I thought. Not sure if I put in too much food colouring, or something else, however this was the biggest mess ever.

Shaving cream- yes, much better to paint with, unless you go to shoppers drug mart where all of a sudden all shaving supplies are under lock and key.  When did this happen? Adding food colouring not so much. If you are going to encourage your children to paint with shaving cream, make sure you don't plan on washing them up after playing with this. Not possible, unless you empty the tub, and start over.

Looks innocent enough here...

It was everywhere. In the bathmat, in the shower curtain, it stains the tub if you don't wash it quick enough, and staining children's skin too.

Overall..I don't recommend. Just shaving cream works, or better yet turn off the lights and just use glow in the dark stick.

<![CDATA[Last days of Summer]]>Wed, 27 Aug 2014 18:54:10 GMThttp://ottawaclothdiaperservice.com/blog/last-days-of-summer
Yesterday was 32 degrees plus.  This is where I wished I was...Can you guess?  It is close to Ottawa, and is unique. The only beach I know that has an ice cream float.  A houseboat that has a freezer on it, and they dish out ice cream. http://ontarioconservationareas.ca/component/mtree/conservation-authorities-of-ontario/rideau-valley/baxter-conservation-area

The beach is sandy with lots of picnic tables, BBQ pits, and big mature trees.  If you want to go earlier there are wooden boardwalks that you can hike through the forest on ( stroller friendly). Parking is $6, and you pay and display as you come in.  There are change rooms/ and washrooms ( pit toliets).

The other huge highlight of this location is the sheer volume of boats on the Rideau river.  This equals lots of waves.

The line up for the ice cream float starts about 12:45.  Ice cream cones are $2.50.

<![CDATA[butterflies: simple & easy craft]]>Tue, 10 Jun 2014 17:10:02 GMThttp://ottawaclothdiaperservice.com/blog/butterflies-simple-easy-craftPicture
Supplies required:

coffee filters, wooden clothespins, markers,  pipe cleaners, paint brushes, and tub of water

Take the coffee filters and colour them with markers. Trying to find markers that aren't dried out, is a huge challenge in our house.  While the marker is drying, you can colour the clothespin.  Take the coffee filter and paint lightly with water.  You are aiming for a tye dye appearance.  Leave the coffee filters to dry and make another one. Once coffee filter is dry, you gather it in the middle and secure with wooden clothespin. Option to use glitter ( which gets everywhere- I suggest glitter glue instead), and eyes. Pipe cleaners are the butterfly antenna, and are just placed inside the clothespin/ twisted around. When we hosted the playdate, we also used old prefolds as our placemats to make less of a mess. Pictured here as well.
